Hi there, I´m Mia

I have my roots in the buzzing city of Cape Town, South Africa, where I often enjoyed breakfast (and the breathtaking sunrise) on top of Table Mountain. This is where life became quiet, enabling me to take a moment, breathe and get a fresh perspective. I’ve always been drawn to nature, deep connections and adventures of any sort!

My best times are spent with my two incredible boys and my husband who inspires me. At the moment our lives are filled with cycling trips, beautiful forest walks, dodging rainstorms and smelling tulips in Springtime.

My most read quote: “Wherever you are, be all there.” – Jim Elliot



Becoming Whole

With a background in Sport Science and Child Mental Health I have always been intrigued by the complexity of human behaviour and the positive effect of physical health & wellness on our bodies. I practiced as a Child & Family Therapist for 8+ years, working with children and their families who struggled with various adaptation, developmental or emotional problems. Since moving to The Netherlands my focus has shifted to mothers in particular, as I have found that when the mother is (mentally, physically & spiritually) healthy, the family naturally flourishes. I have also observed this in my own personal life as a mother of two busy boys. I would often find myself feeling anxious, overwhelmed or exhausted, and then either compare myself to other mothers (not helpful at all) or blame my children for “acting out”. I quickly noticed

however, that they were actually just mimicking my own emotional state. A mothers’ emotional & mental health has a profound effect on her children;  we are the greatest role models of mental, physical and emotional wellness that our children have. Therefore,  as the months (years) went by I decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery, focusing specifically on my wellness and creating a space of rest, surrender and renewal of my mind, body & spirit. Although not always easy (and still a work in progress) the process helped me to re-align my vision, embrace my (real) self and commit to prioritizing my wellbeing before all the demands of life overwhelm me. From there the concept of SALT SEASON gently unfolded. I wanted to help other mothers who were also struggling with, well, let’s just call it.. LIFE!  

Motivation for today ..


You are fearfully & wonderfully made.


There is more to life and there is more to you.


Tomorrow is a new day, let's try again.


Healthy inside, healthy outside.


Remember what you focus on, grows!


Hold the vision and trust the process.


Let’s turn the page, start a new chapter.


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